Despre Mine/About Me
Creativa, visatoare, entuziasmata, foarte ambitioasa, cu o vasta experienta in domeniul artei, total dedicata si pasionata, pentru mine muzica nu este doar o dorinta personala, este un mod de a trai.
Pot spune ca rezonez in mod special cu Muzica Jazz, Clasica si cea Meditativa cu putere de vindecare a sufletelor ranite, dorind sa combin in prezentarile pieselor ce vor urma a fi incarcate pe acest site, frecventele vindecatoare ale muzicii cu sublimul naturii.
Fiind pasionata de expresivitatea actelor artistice incarcate cu putere emotionala, am decis sa va prezint un scurt review cu propriile prestatii live din diverse festivaluri de jazz, concursuri, spectacole cat si din propriul meu studio muzical intitulat: „Studioul Imaginatia Mea”
Sursa de inspiratie provine din viata reala, lasandu-mi sinele interior sa vorbeasca prin intermediul muzicii.
(English)-Creative, dreamy, enthusiastic, very ambitious, with a vast experience in the field of art, totally dedicated and passionate, for me music is not just a personal desire, it is a way of life. I could say that I resonate especially with Jazz, Classical and Meditative Music with the healing power of wounded souls, wanting to combine in the songs presentations that will be uploaded on this site, the healing frequencies of music with the sublime and gentle touch of nature. Being passionate about the expressiveness of artistic acts loaded with emotional power, I decided to present you a short review of my own live performances from various jazz festivals, competitions, shows, including live recordings created in my own music studio entitled: "My Imagination Studio"!
The source of inspiration comes from my real life circumstances letting my inner self speak through music,
as I am the neglected hidden Muse of life!